36° and Partly Cloudy
Today: Cloudy , with a high of 48 and low of 35 degrees. Partly Cloudy in the morning, cloudy in the afternoon, clear in the evening,
Columbus, GA Weather for the Next 7 Days
Sunny in the morning, cloudy in the afternoon, clear overnight.
Overcast during the morning, sunny during the afternoon, clear in the evening, overcast overnight.
Overcast in the morning, light rain for the afternoon, mist for the evening, clear overnight.
Mist in the morning, partly cloudy during the afternoon, mist overnight.
Partly Cloudy for the morning, clear in the afternoon and evening,
Cloudy in the morning, patchy rain nearby in the afternoon, clear overnight.
Columbus, GA weather at a glance
Q: What is the weather in Columbus?
A: Current conditions in Columbus GA: 36° and Partly Cloudy
Q: Is it raining in Columbus?
A: No. Current conditions in Columbus GA: 36° and Partly Cloudy
Q: What is the temperature in Columbus?
A: The temperature in Columbus GA is 36 degrees.
Q: What time is sunset in Columbus?
A: The sun will set in Columbus GA at 04:40 PM
Q: What is the weather tomorrow in Columbus?
A: The weather tomorrow in Columbus GA: Partly Cloudy , with a high of 48 and low of 34 degrees. Sunny in the morning, cloudy in the afternoon, clear overnight.