When will we ALL have VOTE ONLINE ELETRONICALLY and AUTOMATIC VOTER REGISTRATION that is attached to all U.S. birth certificates and U.S. social security numbers?
Absentee ballots are an option for registered voters who prefer not to vote in person. You do not need an excuse to request an absentee ballot. You must request an absentee ballot in order to receive one in the mail. Your County Registrar's Office must receive your ballot before the polls close on Election Day to be counted.
Vote by Absentee Ballot
After your county elections office reviews your application, you will receive your ballot at the postal address you noted on your application. If you're a UOCAVA voter, you may receive it by electronic transmission. The time frame for receiving your absentee ballot will depend, in part, on the type of election being held. You can read the Secretary of State’s guide to absentee voting for details.
- Fill out and sign your absentee ballot according to the instructions provided. You will receive all the forms and envelopes necessary for marking and return of the ballot. Failure to complete your ballot correctly could cause your ballot not to be counted.
- Mail your completed ballot. For voters within the country, all absentee ballots must arrive at your county election office by Election Day. You can also drop your absentee ballot off at a drop-off location in your county. Contact your county registrar for available drop-off locations. If you're currently a military or overseas voter and you post your absentee ballot on Election Day, make sure it arrives within 3 days.
Next Steps
- Verify that your ballot was accepted by visiting the Georgia My Voter Page. Log in and look for the section labeled “Absentee Ballot Request Information” to learn more about your absentee ballot status.
- If your ballot is rejected, your county elections office will contact you with a document to “cure” or correct your ballot envelope. Contact your county registrar to get more information and find out what your options are. One of the most common reasons an absentee ballot is rejected is because it has not been properly signed. Be sure to carefully read and follow all instructions included in your absentee ballot.
- If you do not receive your absentee ballot after submitting your application, contact your county registrar to assess your options. If there is not enough time to receive a new absentee ballot, or if for any reason you cannot have another sent to you, you may vote in person. If you attempt to vote in person because you never received a requested absentee ballot, you will have to sign a document attesting that you are only voting once.
- If you request and return an absentee ballot, you cannot change your mind and vote in person. Once you return your absentee ballot, you have voted.
***NOTE: Postal Service reaches settlement with NAACP over delivery of mail-in ballots***
Secretary of State: Office Visit
214 State Capitol
Atlanta, GA 30334
Primary: (404) 656-2817
Fax: (404) 656-0513
Mail to:
2 MLK Jr. Dr. S.E. - Floyd W. Tower
Suite 814
Atlanta, GA 30344