
True enough, it's 2023 and according to some folks, it may as well be over.
The New Year is barely one week old, and we have truth on Earth prevailing over peace, especially amongst those who say I don't do resolutions or "I resolve that my New Year is going to be the same as the last one."
Ture enough, we're living under a romanesque calendar that says it doesn't really know when the New Year starts and we're living in such precarious times that many came into it wishing it was already over...but here's the thing...
No matter what happens next, if you're reading this, you got through 2022 and are now in 2023...and that's okay to be mad about the way the world is all messed up right now.
Be mad, let your anger run its course and then resolve to GET FOCUSED, because there is every possibility that those reading this many not be here in 2024.
It could be worse, and it can also get better.
Depends (#not the adult diapers).
In the meantime, control what you can control, and leave the rest up to God.
We don't know what the next 24 hours or 1,440 minutes or what the next 34,560 seconds will bring -- and that is just how quickly things can change.
Read a crystal ball if you like ... but all that does is bring another element into the conversation, one that is unneeded.
STAY FOCUSED and everything will ultimately work out for the good.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! because whether you want it or not, you're still here. Do something about it.
In good spirits,