Your Columbus weather forecast for Monday, Jan 20 - Friday, Jan 24


  Your Columbus weather forecast for Monday, Jan 20 - Friday, Jan 24

There is a threat of a freezing 41-degrees on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, January 20th. It is also the day which will also be the first time in history that a U.S. President held an inauguration indoors to an exclusive crowd of only six hundred invitees "because of the weather".


Weather outlook for Monday, Jan 20 - Friday, Jan 24


Sunny, with a high of 41 and low of 25 degrees. Sunny during the morning, clear during the afternoon and evening,

High: 41° Low: 25° with a 0% chance of rain.


Moderate or heavy snow showers, with a high of 36 and low of 26 degrees. Partly Cloudy for the morning, overcast in the afternoon, light sleet for the evening, clear overnight.

High: 36° Low: 26° with a 14% chance of snow.


Patchy moderate snow, with a high of 41 and low of 27 degrees. Partly Cloudy for the morning, clear in the afternoon and evening, moderate snow overnight.

High: 41° Low: 27° with a 21% chance of snow.


Overcast , with a high of 43 and low of 28 degrees. Overcast in the morning, clear in the afternoon and evening, overcast overnight.

High: 43° Low: 28° with a 0% chance of rain.

There you have it! For more details, check out our weekly weather forecast.

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