
It is election time again and several offices are up for grabs to the challenger who gets the most votes.
And right now, nothing that is going on makes any sense to area citizens, as the many Facebook and other social media posts and arguments about are showing.
From trash and yard waste collection to street and corner gang rallies and massive shootings throughout the city that only cooled down long enough to start up again, it appears to many residents that no one need preach about people GOING to hell - we're already there.
It feels pretty good to be allowed to ignore the outrage or inner rage of the citizens at-large and just move on into the things we can control and let the rest take care of itself; but when people's taxes are going up as the work product is going down without proper justification for paying more taxes for less value - who is responsible for it?
Also ... sadly ... taxes and city cleanup are the least of the city's problems at the moment.
That argument for citizens services is getting left behind because there is a large shadow looming over all phases of local government that is far bigger than waste collection, taxes, and being gouged on the price of gas, food, and utilities for no reason.