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Dearest Peoples: 'Reverend' and 'Reverent' are -Not- the Same Thing (A Lesson in Adverbs vs Nouns)

As such ...

(a) rev·er·ent/ˈrev(ə)rənt/ adjective

  1. feeling or showing deep and solemn respect - "a reverent silence"


(b) rev·er·end/ˈrev(ə)rənd/noun INFORMAL

  1. used as a title or form of address to members of the clergy.": the Reverend Jesse Jackson"
  2. a member of the clergy." a retired reverend"

By the same admission, the Lord God Almighty would not be referred to as "the reverend God." One might say "We revere God," or "We hold the Most High as reverent," but not "We hold the Most High as reverend."

The two words are not used the same way, and don't mean the same thing - though they sound nearly alike.

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